James B. Janknegt 

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art lessons for kids art camp now enrolling


AGES 6 TO 18


An Integrated · Multi-faceted · Imaginative
approach to teaching art. Using a variety of media, resources, and methods that will appeal to different abilities and learning styles.

Class description:
The classes will consist of a maximum of 10 students. Students will learn about the elements and principles of art and how these work in the "real" world. How they relate and are important in science, math, language.

Students will use a wide ranging variety of media: clay, glue, paper, paint, wood, pencil, ink, etc.

An open and inquiring mind. Willingness to make mistakes, take chances, and succeed!

How to Register:
E-mail us your address, tell us what session you are interested in, how many kids and we will confirm your space via email. Here is the e-mail address:

art farm

Art Camp meets four days a week:
from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
unless noted.

If you can't come for the entire week you can pay the daily rate of $50.00 per child per day and come on as many days as you like.

Three sessions offered this Summer:

1st Art Camp June 17-June 20 2019,  Monday - Thursday for 4 days.
150.00 per child  
families of more than one will be 75.00 per each additional child.

2ndArt Camp  July 09-July 12 2019, Tuesday - Friday for 4 days.  
150.00 per child
families of more than one will be 75.00 per each additional child older kids.

All classes meet at the Brilliant Corners Art Farm
159 Pleasant Grove Road
Elgin, TX 78621.
Our phone number is 512-791-6551.

Art Camp fee is $150.00 per week unless noted. Art supplies are included. Make checks payable to Melissa Janknegt.

Besides having fun making art the students will eat lunch and swim everyday. Please bring swimsuits, sunscreen, a towel and a sack lunch everyday.

Melissa Janknegt is a certified art teacher with 10 years experience in public education. She homeschooled her daughter who graduated in 2012.

Lissa and Jim Janknegt

Brilliant Corners ArtFarm

James B. Janknegt


All work copyright of James B. Janknegt
Do Not use without permission.