James B. Janknegt 

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I gladly take on commissions if the idea for the painting is something that falls within the scope of the work I normally do and can be accomplished with the style I normally paint in.

Have you had a dream, a vision, a particular story from the scriptures or a favorite saint that you would like to have made into a painting? Let's talk about it. email me at jim@bcartfarm.com

Here are some ball park costs for various sizes of paintings:
16"x20"   $960.00
18"x24"   $1300.00
30"x30"    $2700.00
30"x40"    $3600.00


Here is my most recent commission:


Eden's Garden
Eden's Garden

Jesus carries his cross

Jesus rides a white horse

Jesus Carries His cross and Jesus Rides a White Horse.

sacred heart of Jesus immaculate heart of mary visitation

Here is another commission I did for a young couple getting married:Sacred Heart of Jesus, Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Visitation.

Haskins Triptych

Here is a commission I did for a young couple getting married for their home altar. The also used the paintings in their wedding. The central panel is the Holy Family with St Cecelia above and St. John the Evangelist below. It was a very happy project.

Brilliant Corners ArtFarm

James B. Janknegt


All work copyright of James B. Janknegt
Do Not use without permission.